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Hearing Loss


How Caffeine Affects Your Hearing

Your diet plays a big role in your physical and mental wellness. But did you know that it can also affect your hearing health? Some people believe caffeine consumption, in particular, can harm your health. But don’t rule out your daily latte habit just yet—when it...

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Healthy Hearing for a Healthy Brain

Did you know that having hearing loss puts you at an increased risk for cognitive issues? Research shows a clear link between the two conditions. Several studies have found that the worse your hearing loss is, the greater the chance you have of developing a cognitive...

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Hear More, Stress Less

A little stress can be a good thing. It can motivate us to set and reach goals, take chances and learn new things. But when stress becomes overwhelming, life gets hard. You probably know the causes of stress—work, school, money, relationships—but did you know...

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What Is Hidden Hearing Loss?

If you can pass a hearing test with flying colors but have trouble making out what your friends say in a noisy restaurant, you could have hidden hearing loss. Hidden hearing loss often goes undiagnosed because a standard audiogram, which measures your ability to hear...

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Why wait? You don’t have to live with hearing loss.