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Hearing Loss


Is There a Hearing Loss Gender Gap?

Have you ever wondered why communication is so different among men vs women?  Many people joke about men having “selective listening,” but could there be more to it?   According to the National Institute on Deafness and other Communication Disorders, men are twice as...

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Poor Heart Health May Lead to Hearing Loss

If you don’t watch what you eat and fail to exercise regularly, poor cardiovascular health is only one risk you’ll face. New evidence shows a link between poor heart health and hearing loss. The heart is responsible for pumping blood and bringing oxygen and other...

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Can Hearing Aids Prevent Cognitive Decline?

Troubles with thinking, remembering, reasoning—this is what is referred to as subjective cognitive decline, which has been associated through study after study in patients with signs of hearing loss. The more severe the hearing loss, the greater the risk. A recent...

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How Humidity Affects Hearing Aids 

Hearing aids are a big investment into a person’s quality of life, and an investment that should be protected. One of the greatest enemies of your hearing aids is moisture. While hearing aids are built to withstand the rugged environment of your ear, they are still a...

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Hearing Aid Research News

Researchers are looking at ways to apply new signal processing strategies to the design of hearing aids. Signal processing is the method used to modify normal sound waves into amplified sound that is the best possible match to the remaining hearing for a hearing aid...

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How You Hear

Discover how to clear the way for better hearing. Hearing begins when soundwaves enter the outer ear (the visible portion of the ear located on the outside of the head) and are channeled down the auditory canal, a tube-like passageway lined with tiny hairs and small...

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Cochlear Implants FAQ

“Now I wake up each morning to the sound of birds” A cochlear implant is a small, complex electronic device that can help to provide a sense of sound to a person who is profoundly deaf or severely hard-of-hearing. The implant consists of an external portion that sits...

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Why wait? You don’t have to live with hearing loss.