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When the temperature rises, so does the number of noisy activities that could potentially damage our hearing. There’s no need to worry, though. By knowing what they are and remembering to protect your ears, you can keep yourself safe and enjoy all that the summer offers.

Sun’s Out, Fun’s Out—and Earplugs Are In

Noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) is caused by a one-time exposure to a sound that is too loud or continuous exposure to loud sounds over time. Any sound at or above 85 decibels (dB) can cause hearing loss.

These loud summertime activities pose a threat to your family’s hearing:

  1. Fireworks Displays—The snap, crackle and pop can do a number on your ears, so have earplugs handy. Most fireworks clock in at 125 dB.
  2. Air Shows—Don’t just wing it—bring your hearing protection. The sound of a jet engine is between 120 and 140 dB, which is extremely harmful to your ears.
  3. Outdoor Concerts—Because concert noise levels are frequently over 100 dB, rock out with your earplugs in.
  4. Parades—Noise from revving engines, sirens and marching bands can hurt small children’s hearing, but earmuffs are an excellent way to keep your kids safe.
  5. Yard Work—Lawn equipment like lawnmowers and hedge trimmers emit sounds between 80 and 105 dB, so wear your earplugs.
  6. Target Shooting—Set your sights on protecting your hearing with earplugs and earmuffs while shooting. Nearly all firearms deliver sounds above 140 dB.
  7. Baseball Games—America’s favorite summer pastime is noisier than ever, with fireworks, loud announcers and rock music. Remember to score some earplugs before you set foot in the stadium.
  8. Car Races—All that vroom-vrooming can be disastrous for your ears—races average between 90 and 110 dB. Keep your hearing on track by popping in some earplugs.

While disposable earplugs will do in a pinch, custom-made earplugs are your best bet at preventing hearing damage most effectively—give us a call at 352-765-8008 to schedule your consultation for custom ear protection today!

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.