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If you are suffering from hearing loss, you’re not alone. While an estimated 36
million American adults experience some degree of hearing loss,1 those closest to you—your immediate family—are affected even if they don’t share your hearing loss. Your spouse, in particular, may have a difficult time dealing with it.

Many spouses complain of a lack of communication. They resent repeating themselves; therefore, they adopt strategies such as positioning themselves in front of their husband or wife when speaking, encouraging lip-reading and relying on handwritten notes.

Hearing loss significantly affects everyday activities, mainly television and telephone use. Spouses must deal with increased volume when the TV is on, making it uncomfortable for them to watch television in the same room. They also tend to be the ones to answer and make all telephone calls. In addition, there is a
tendency to reduce social activities, with the partner with hearing loss more likely to want to stay at home rather than venture out and put themselves in a potentially uncomfortable situation.

Naturally, these factors lead to resentment and put a strain on the marriage. Increased tension often leads to a lack of intimacy, causing serious damage to the relationship.

If you have hearing loss and are married, you can take steps to improve your relationship with your spouse and ease their burden. If you own hearing devices, use them—and if you don’t, set up an appointment with us to see if they will help.

There is a direct correlation between hearing device use and relationship satisfaction. Of equal importance: Accept your condition rather than wallowing in self-pity or despair. Nobody wants to have difficulty hearing, but dealing with it in a positive manner can go a long way toward maintaining a solid marriage. When you accept your hearing loss, your spouse is more willing to help, and it’s easier for both of you to adapt to the situation.

If you’re concerned you or someone you care about may have a hearing loss, call Precision Hearing at 352-765-8008 today to schedule an appointment.

1 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2012).
Untreated hearing loss in adults-a growing national epidemic.

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.